People (your customers) spend millions of dollars every year on their pets.  So why not get promotional products specifically for their pets. There are dog collars, leashes, food and water bowls, pet waste bags, and many more products to choose from.  To pet owners, pets...

Marketing can be tough, especially when funds are limited. If you are a new business, it is even harder to get noticed. There are so many competitors in each industry all competing for the same market share. So how do you break through? While cheap...

I was out and about this past weekend and noticed that the majority of people passing by had tattoos with many of them having multiple tattoos.  It seems to be an epidemic or maybe it's just that I live in a beach town. I was...

Here is the list of daily, weekly, and monthly observances for you to take advantage of to market your business in the month of August 2011.  Some of there a stretch, but their respective industries and organizations have declared these days, weeks, and months as...

If you are like most businesses, your building is not the only business on the side of road.  In fact, there are probably dozens or even hundreds of businesses along your road.  So how do you make your business stand out to the potential customers...

I'll have to admit.  I have been skeptical over the hype of the double wall acrylic tumblers and straw.  The ones I'm talking about are the same ones that Starbucks sells for about $15.00 and similar to the Tervis Tumblers but with a straw and lid....

When is the middle finger acceptable to use in your business practice?  My first response would be never.  My second response would also be never.  Although we have sold foam middle fingers to a few businesses for some marketing campaigns, they were rare cases.  I...

Coupons have become huge.  There are websites and TV shows about extreme couponing with testimony after testimony of how people actually have made money by using coupons.  I have even tried out the extreme couponing at the grocery store and end up getting multiple items...

Does your logo need a face lift?  Have you been using the same logo for over a decade?  Are you using one of the taboo fonts in your logo such as Times New Roman, Brush Script, Helvetica, or Comic Sans?  Are the 80's calling wanting...