08 Jul My Own Skepticism of Acrylic Tumblers
I’ll have to admit. I have been skeptical over the hype of the double wall acrylic tumblers and straw. The ones I’m talking about are the same ones that Starbucks sells for about $15.00 and similar to the Tervis Tumblers but with a straw and lid. These are reusable cups with straws. Now I drink a lot of water daily and have just endured the fact that if I don’t drink my bottle within about 30 minutes, the water will not be cold still. I have learned to live with that fact. I have also learned to live with the fact that throughout my whole life, if I put ice in my water, the bottle will sweat and leave a ring on my desk or table (or my coasters). Well, I couldn’t stand all the talk about these great re-usable cups so I bought some with my business logo printed on them and gave them out at a Chamber of Commerce function last week. I also kept out a few for myself and family and my employees. They couldn’t believe that I was giving out this premium item. From the event, I was told by dozens of people of how great these cups are, so I went home and used my cup. I used it over and over throughout the whole weekend. On Monday July 4th, My family and I went to the local water park and I left the cup with ice and water in it in the car for 6 1/2 hours while we we at the park. I came back later that afternoon and the water was still cold. The ice had melted but the water was cold. Amazing. Now this is July weather in Florida in a car. The ambient temperature that day was in the lower 90’s so the in car temperature was probably around 100 degrees and my water was still cold. In addition, I have been using this cup this week at work and it is not sweating all over my desk. I love this cup and I now see why everyone I gave the cup to was so excited and ranting and raving about how great these are. I now see I was wrong and these Double Walled Acrylic Tumblers with Straw are awesome! Even though Starbucks sells theirs for $15.00, you can buy them with your custom logo printed on the tumblers for less than half that price.
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