06 Jul Marketing with Coupons
Coupons have become huge. There are websites and TV shows about extreme couponing with testimony after testimony of how people actually have made money by using coupons. I have even tried out the extreme couponing at the grocery store and end up getting multiple items free with a credit back which I just apply towards other groceries that I need. However, when you develop coupons for your business, the intention is not to lose money. In fact, you should have restrictions such as “Not Valid With Any Other Offer” or something to that effect. The idea is to entice customers to buy from you. Now coupons come in all different forms. The most common, of course, is a paper coupon with online coupons a close second. However, why stop there? Coupons can be printed on practically any medium. We recommend using promotional products and printing your coupon on those. I’ve mentioned the term flood marketing before and using coupons during a flood marketing campaign would be ideal. Coupons can be printed on business cards, postcards, brochures, promos, or even t-shirts. Get their attention and they will respond. Additionally, if you use different coupon codes for each type of marketing effort, you can track your sales and figure out which coupon methods work the best. Below are some examples of coupons for http://perfectimprints.com to help give you a few ideas. As you can see, there are options ranging from small orders to large orders so most all clients are covered. So get out there and market with coupons and take back some of that business from your competitors.
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