Trendy Tuesday - Hot, New Promotional Items

It's Trendy Tuesday, which is the day that we introduce a hot, new promotional item to keep your business in tune with the current trends! These Happy Hour Tumblers are new and different. They are...

August is well-known for many things, such as extreme heat, the beginning of a new school year, and my favorite, football season!

College football and high school football both start in August. The football season brings a level of excitement from fans all over the country...

Cupcake Day IdeasThe third Monday of each August is Cupcake day. This is a day to not only see how close you can get to a sugar-induced diabetic coma without actually rendering yourself unconscious, but also a...

Over the years, there have been some terrible inventions specifically made for left-handed people. It is true that all products do not work the same when used left and right-handed. Many products just simply do NOT work when switched to the left hand.

Funny Left-Handed Products


If you have just taken over the football booster club at your child's school, you are likely well aware of the overwhelming feelings of running a school booster club store. Chances are, the past president didn't bother passing off notes to you explaining where they...

Left Handers Day - August 13 - Promotional Items, Facts, IdeasAugust 13 represents a day that is not right. It is a day that is actually left. It is Left Handers Day. This day began as an initiative in 1992...