National Aviation Day Promotional Items

National Aviation Day National Aviation Day

National Aviation Day is observed on August 19 of each year and was created by President Roosevelt in 1939 to honor those who were instrumental in advancing aviation as well as our modern day pilots and aviation specialists.

August 19th was chosen for National Aviation Day because it represents the birthday of aviation pioneer, Orville Wright. While the Wright brothers were not the first to fly or build an airplane, they are the most famous. They were the first to create a fixed wing airplane with controls. Their first flight in this aircraft with controls was only 12 seconds and a whopping 120 feet in distance; however, it was god enough to count!

This day of observation is a great time for aviation museums, aircraft manufacturers, aircraft parts retailers, aviation organizations, flight schools, and other aviation-related businesses to heavily promote the advanced technologies that originated from our forefathers of flight. However, President Franklin D. Roosevelt not only wanted aviation-related businesses and organizations to promote this day, but also all Americans with an interest in flight to host aviation-related activities.

National Aviation Day Ideas

  • Hold an open house for your aviation museum.
  • Offer free food and drinks for your visitors on National Aviation Day.
  • Promote sales and discounts for this day.
  • Host a photo booth with a vintage airplane scene in the background and have vintage pilot gear for your visitors to wear in the photo and post on your social media.
  • Post historical facts about aviation on your blog and social media pages
  • Give out airplane promotional items promoting National Aviation Day.
  • Have your school class take a field trip to an airport so the kids can watch airplanes take off and land (from a distance, of course).
  • Host a paper airplane contest and reward those who can fly their airplane the furthest with prizes.
  • Have an aviation trivia contest and award the top participants with rewards.
  • Airlines can offer substantial discounts to fly on National Aviation Day (we are really pushing for this one!)
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