Have you ever implemented a great marketing idea that provided a major boost to your business, then gotten "too busy" to sustain the marketing campaign? Shortly after you stop staying on top of your marketing, business dwindles. I call this the Shrinky Dink Effect. All...

Well, it's finally here. The time when all of us College football nuts get so excited. The first games will be starting on September 1, so make sure and get prepared if you run a booster club. High school football as already started for many...

There are many times in life and in business that we want to go with the cheapest option. Maybe you just need a quick snack at a convenience store, so you go with the cheapest snack just to get you by until dinner time. Maybe...

For beach front hotels, condos, and motels, spring and summer are busy times. Many of your patrons are repeat clients since many families visit the same beach area year after year. That's why it is important to give them a great experience during their vacation....

With many schools starting back this week and in the upcoming weeks, it is important to get a good start not only with the students, but also with the teachers. Many schools do end of year gifts, but what about beginning of the year gifts...

With the billions of websites out there, it is extremely important to promote your website thoroughly and this means both online and offline. Of course, the best approach for long term is to optimize your site to high organic rankings. However, in the short term,...

I notice a lot of local businesses who fail to do any advertising. They say word of mouth is the best advertising and that's all I'm going to do. They sit back and wait and wait and wait . . .  These are the same...

Sometimes in order to make an impression, you have to stink. And I mean really stink. You might not want to normally fart around your clients, but with the right promotion, it could be a real gas. Sometimes you just have to do something a...

The recent death of Chris Staniforth, whose Father believes died from his extended gaming sessions, is a tragic case of a video game related death. Truth be told, today's youth and many adults have gaming addictions which can be extremely hazardous to their health. In...