Well 2011 is winding down and 2012 is upon us. This is the time of year that business owners and managers should look back and decide, "What things did I do right?" and "What things did I not do right?" While I'm sure a few...

Sometimes things happen at your place of business such as a broken window, a hole in your wall, or maybe problems with your sign. Sometimes these are quick fixes and sometimes they take a little more effort to correct the problem. However, when it's your...

Well 2012 is soon upon us and there are some really wacky and crazy holidays and observances in January. Some are fun and some are dumb, but use some of them to market your business and offer a special on a related item for that...

In most businesses there is a sort of Grim Reaper that comes along and kills your sales. This grim reaper could be many different things, but I am going to talk about one all too common problem. This Grim Reaper is known as busyness. I'm...

So I went to a large retail store yesterday and I noticed about 3 out of every 10 people that I saw were wearing screen printed t-shirts. Some of them were shirts for events that had come and gone, some were shirts with just business...

It seems like many of the stores and businesses that I deal with these days, rude employees are the face of the business. After all, the employees that are helping the customers on a daily basis are the face of the business, not the management....

Well, we are well into basketball season with most conference play just about to begin and it's definitely time to be thinking about getting your custom mini basketballs for your team. Mini basketballs customized with your team name and mascot are great to throw out...

It's time for holiday baking and cooking again! I start early and cook a lot. We all like a lot of good food during the holidays and my kitchen gets a workout! I started looking around to see if I have enough chip clips for all the...

Every year churches, schools, teams and businesses do fundraisers to try and make it through another year of activities. I personally have more fundraiser wrapping paper and cookie dough than I can possibly use in a year. And don't get me started on those chocolate...