It's always a great thing when your business can promote both child safety and your company at the same time. It's easy to do with Halloween trick or treat bags. Many trick or treat bags have safety tips printed on stock designs, or you can...

Football season is upon us, so the big decision for spirit items is what type of mini football is the best? The fans love to catch mini footballs thrown by the cheerleaders, so this item is a must-purchase spirit item. Whether you buy them out of...

Spirit items are a vital part of all football games. Never will you go to a football game and NOT see any school spirit items around the stadium. These fun inexpensive products help keep the crowd cheering, yelling, screaming, and supporting their team. You will...

Every year over the past decade, when counties and states are balancing their budget and looking for cuts, it seems they like to go to the school system for the first round of budget cuts. Each school always first cuts their sports program budgets. Because...

Personalized Beach Balls As we near the end of July, and finish the first month of the 3rd quarter, it's very important to keep sales strong. End of summer sales and promotions are popular and important to drive sales to your stores. By using various beach...

Mini Footballs In less than a month, high school and middle school football season will begin. Already, there are many teams in pre-season practice, gearing up for their first game. The excitement of the potential of each team is building already. Smack talk is certainly happening...

If you live in the Destin, FL area or if you have ever visited the area, I don't have to tell you about the beauty of the Emerald Coast beaches. Nor do I have to tell you about the awesome Destin restaurants. The Emerald Coast of...

Emerald Coast HUB is a new project by Perfect Imprints. It is a complete information source for the Emerald Coast of Florida, covering Okaloosa, Walton, and Santa Rosa Counties. This business directory contains information such as real estate listings from local realtors from Destin, Fort...

Branding is an important and really simplistic process for businesses. A common misconception that many business owners have is that branding is only important for large companies. However, that is HUGE misconception. Proper branding is important even for one man (or woman) businesses. Consistent branding...