10 Nov Promote Your Business With Mini Basketballs
With the start of college basketball upon us, there are many questions in the air. Who are the best teams? What players will boast the best stats? Who will win what rivalries? Who will make the NCAA Tournament? Who will win the National Championship? Many of these are questions have dynamic answers which continually change throughout the season. College and high school basketball alike provide a lot of excitement; therefore, businesses should be quick to take advantage of this excitement. One way is to agree to sponsor your local high school teams, booster clubs, or cheerleading squad. Your sponsorship not only is a write for tax purposes for your business, but it tremendously helps your local community and shows that your business cares for your community. This provides immeasurable appeal to your clients and potential clients. A common form of sponsorship is to have mini basketballs printed with not only your business logo, but also with your local team mascot and team name. A great way to make your business imprint stand out is to include a coupon code on the imprint copy. This is a great call to action and it also allows you to track the results of your marketing dollars. There are many other basketball spirit items that businesses can help purchase with sponsorship other than mini basketballs. Some include foam fingers, thundersticks, and basketball schedule magnets. Whatever spirit items that your sponsorship money goes toward, you are helping your community and promoting your business at the same time. It benefits both parties.
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