Full Color Printed Flags

Quick Way To Boost Your Sales

So I wanted to find a quick way to bring in new clients and one of the most cost effective methods is to put up a

Full Color Printed Flags

Full Color Printed Flags only $197 each when order 2 or more. Call 1-800-773-9472 to order.

flag on the road right outside your business. I just put the flags in the picture out yesterday and I have already made a sale. These particular flags are 12 feet high (plus 1 foot of pole) and 2 feet wide. They can be printed in full color at no additional charge and FREE setup. We also have many other additional styles and sizes to choose from. These particular flags pictures are only $197 each when buying 2 or more.

A rule of thumb when getting flags such as these printed is the less is better theory. Give a teaser and a bold word or two to describe your product or service. If you get them too busy the text will smaller and difficult to read.

The great thing about advertising with flags is that you don’t have to keep paying for the advertising each month. They keep on working month after month, so they are a great investment and will pay for themselves very quickly.

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