Are you still cold calling?

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Here is an idea to prevent yourself from having to do cold calls.  Try sending your prospects a promotional item a week or so before you call them.  By doing this, you will introduce yourself to that person in a non-intrusive way and increase the chances of a warm call rather than a cold call.  With the promotional item that you include in the mailing, you can also state in your letter that you will be calling them within a certain time frame.  The call will be more well-received because they will be expecting your call.  You will still get some “No Thank You” and “Not interested” responses, but you will most likely see a much higher conversion rate.  Think of a creative and useful promotional item that is relevant to what you are selling or promoting and send those to your prospects.  In your letter that you also mail, you can detail some of the facts so you can pre-educate the recipients which will make it much easier to reinforce what you are selling.  Good luck with your selling and of course contact a promotional product distributor for assistance or for ideas.

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