10 Feb What is the cost per impression for your advertising?
What type of advertising media do you think has the lowest cost per impression? It’s not television ads. It’s not radio ads. It’s not newspaper or magazine ads. From a recent study by The Nielson Company, promotional products marketing has the lowest cost per impression. The average cost of promotional products is $0.004 each. Don’t get that number confused with $0.04 each; it’s not even close to the same. That is less than a penny per person that is exposed to your logo.
You may be unsure of what cost per impression is so I will explain it. This is the cost broken down per person that views your ad. Think about a hat or a shirt: How many people would see your logo if you wore it one day to a mall or to an event with lots of people? Hundreds or thousands of people would be exposed to your custom advertising imprint. And that is just 1 day of wearing it. The idea is that if you give away a quality item that people will use over and over again, the cost per impression would actually go down from the numbers in the chart below.
Source: Counselor Magazine, December 2009, “Hard Evidence For A Soft Economy”
Compare the tiny numbers above with the numbers below and you will see the real value of promotional products.
Source: Counselor Magazine, December 2009, “Hard Evidence For A Soft Economy”
A fraction of a penny for each impression is an amazingly low cost to market your business during these times of economic hardship. Take advantage of the many businesses failing on a daily basis and grab more of the market share. Talk to a promotional products consultant to assist you with your marketing campaign.
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