22 Jan What is the value of your advertising?
Do you know the return that you are getting on your advertising? Maybe you are currently advertising by radio ads, newspaper ads, or television ads. Maybe you are advertising through direct mail. Maybe you are advertising through billboards. But do you know which forms of advertising are working and which forms are draining your bank account? This is an important question that should concern you. You should be able to track all of your advertising so that you know the value of each form. Think about this for a minute: When you advertise on the radio, your ad is played for 15 to 30 seconds and then it is gone, forever. When you market using promotional products, those products hang around for months or years, depending on the value of the items. In order to track the effectiveness of each form of advertising, you should advertise a unique promotion for each, such as a special price, a promotional code, or a free gift offer and track the responses you receive. After a month or two of tracking your results, you can easily calculate your return on investment (ROI). If you’re not covering your expenses for that form of advertising, then you should consider a different approach. Almost all successful promotional product campaigns have results that can be tracked. Studies have proven that promotional products can be the most effective form of advertising if done properly, better than radio or tv ads and better than print ads. However, you must be smart with your promotional product campaign and consider all aspects of your campaign in order to increase your chances of success.
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