With the billions of websites out there, it is extremely important to promote your website thoroughly and this means both online and offline. Of course, the best approach for long term is to optimize your site to high organic rankings. However, in the short term,...

I notice a lot of local businesses who fail to do any advertising. They say word of mouth is the best advertising and that's all I'm going to do. They sit back and wait and wait and wait . . .  These are the same...

Sometimes in order to make an impression, you have to stink. And I mean really stink. You might not want to normally fart around your clients, but with the right promotion, it could be a real gas. Sometimes you just have to do something a...

The recent death of Chris Staniforth, whose Father believes died from his extended gaming sessions, is a tragic case of a video game related death. Truth be told, today's youth and many adults have gaming addictions which can be extremely hazardous to their health. In...

When selling spirit items to fans, it's always easier to sell multi-function products. Fans will appreciate the item more and hopefully it will encourage them to cheer more for their team. And we all know the more cheering that a team's fans do; the more...

In any business, you should know your competitors and study them. There are some things your competitors are doing that you should also do too, and there are some things your competitors are doing that you should never do. One thing your competitors are doing...

Any advertising dollars spent are hard earned dollars, especially for small businesses. That is why it is so important to tracking the effectiveness of your marketing. The easiest and most effective way to do this is by running specials specific for each marketing campaign. For...

There's no denying that the heat in Florida is just about too hot to outside during the day, unless, of course, you are at the beach or in a pool. The heat is severe but you can enjoy it safely while swimming with the proper...

[caption id="attachment_731" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Offering Buckets"][/caption] It's no secret that contemporary church services are growing at a much faster rate than traditional church services.  This doesn't mean that there is not a place for traditional worship; however, it does mean that churches should be focusing a...