Perfect Imprints likes to stay on top of the current trends and new promotional items in the industry. We understand that the development of cutting edge, new, and unique products is critical to give your business the edge over your competitors. That's...

Halloween Rubber Ducks are great for parties and events centered around Halloween. Kids love rubber ducks and these Halloween theme rubber ducks are much more unique than a traditional rubber duck. Whether you are looking for a rubber duck dres...

Star of Life - EMS Week24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year they are on call. Yes, even on Christmas Day, Easter morning, Labor Day, and every other holiday. They wait...

Each year, Pantone, LLC announces the color of the year. Pantone, LLC is the main color matching system used for manufacturing and printing of most products in the world! Many corporate logo have specific PMS (Pantone Matching System). This decis...

Custom tokens are extremely common promotional items because they are cheap and effective marketing tools to bring in new business. They have been used for decades to lure in customers who want to redeem the token for a free drink or item, percentag...

Many business owners are on a quest for the cheapest possible marketing items that are still effective in promoting their business. Often times, cheaper is NOT better. Sometimes cheaper items will make your business look cheap; however, th...

It's now January and the Christmas holidays are over. School is back in session and it's the dreaded time of year to pack away all of your Christmas decorations. Wrapping delicate personalized Christmas ornaments, winding Christmas ligh...

At the last function I attended, one of the door prizes was a month's supply of meals for weight loss. As the man was describing the door prize his business was giving away, he mentioned the meals were ALL sugar-free, carb-free, gluten-free, soy...

Are you looking for a deal on full color postcards or presenation folders? If so, try to beat this pricing and quality! Save 50% off postcards and 25% off presentation folders through the end of January 2013! Get 1000 4.25" x 6" full color...

  Isn't it appropriate for January 2nd to be declared National Personal Trainer Awareness Day? Of course it is. Losing weight is consistently one of the top New Year's resolutions each year and many people don't have t...