14 Mar How Many GB Can Your Brain Hold?
How many gigabytes can your brain hold? This is a frequently asked question along with, “How much RAM does your brain have?” or “If your brain had an operating system like a computer, what would it be?” and other similar questions. This obviously can’t be accurately measured, although, many scientists have given it the old college try. It has been estimated anywhere between 100 GB to several TB. The human brain is an amazing organ, and I really believe that it is infinite, although I often feel like my brain is overloaded. One thing that I do know for sure is that some brains got the short end of the stick. I know a few people that I would classify as 2 megabyters while others are definitely in the terabyte range.
Brains can store a lot of information, but in our day to day life, we need a little help in passing information along or transferring from computer to computer. I often have to bring a little work home and burn the midnight oil a bit and when I do, I transfer files I am working on to a USB Flash Drive and take them with me. Thumb drives most commonly come in 1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB, 8 GB, 16 GB, 32 GB, and 64 GB sizes. However, drives less than 2 GB are becoming more rare. That’s because the demand for larger memory drives is higher and the memory pricing is becoming lower and lower. If the difference in a 2 GB drive and a 4 GB flash drive is only $0.50 – $0.75, wouldn’t it make sense to just upgrade to the larger size? By doing this, those who receive the drives would be more likely to keep and use them, thus marketing for your company more. Not only can we put your logo on flash drives as giveaways, but we can also pre-load data on them for you.
There are many uses for flash drives, and below I have listed just a few ideas on how to use USB flash drives:
- Put all of your company manuals and forms on a flash drive and give out to all of your employees.
- Include your catalog and website shortcut on the flash drives and give out to potential clients.
- Product or company videos. Research has shown that a personalized videoe sales pitch is like money in the bank. So make a simple video of yourself pitching your offer to a potential client, put it on a flash drive and send it to them. They can take your pitch on their terms and it will be better received than a cold call.
- Include a set of videos of client testimonials.
- For resorts, do a video tour of your property and amenities.
- PowerPoint presentations of your products and services.
- Include an automatic opening of your website when the drive is plugged in. This is a guaranteed visit to your website which will be a non-invasive introduction to your company.
- Videos of product demonstrations and real life uses for your products.
- Bands can sell their mp3 songs pre-loaded on USB flash drives rather than a CD.
- Pre-load with security applications which can allow network access or unlocking of a computer and give to employees.
- Include podcasts about your company or products.
Perfect Imprints lots of options for USB Flash Drives and most that we sell are Tier 1 memory, which is the best you can get. We don’t sell the cheap memory that only works for a few months. Our USB drives have a lifetime warranty which is passed to each recipient. So that means if you give the thumb drives out to customers and they stop working, they have a toll free phone number they can call and get a replacement. That’s a deal that’s hard to beat. Most of our 2 GB flash drives start around $7.00 for 50 quantity and go up from there as memory increases and down in price as quantity increases.
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