20 Jan Pantone LLC Names The Official Color of 2012
Pantone LLC, the company who is responsible for creating the Pantone Matching System, also known as PMS colors, have announced the official Pantone color of 2012. Just like clothing styles and patterns of speech in teens, colors are very fashion based. Colors come and go in popularity, only to reborn again years later. In the last few years this particular chosen color has gained popularity and it is now named the color of 2012. The color is Tango Orange, known in the printing industry as Pantone 7625c. The closest CMYK match for full color printing would be C=5, M=90, Y=100, K=0 and for the RGB closest match for the web would be R=227, G=64, B=34.
Orange is not just for Halloween any more though. You’ll not only see a lot more clothing in 2012 being from the Orange color family, but also a lot of promotional products. Sometimes with your business, you have to go with the ‘in” fashion and capitalize on that even if you don’t personally follow the crowd. When giving out your promotions, if you give people what they want, including the “in” colors, they will use your giveaways more, giving your company more marketing exposure. This is yet another idea to incorporate into your marketing to help boost your company exposure.
If you still don’t believe that orange can look good, just take a look at the various Orange items below and picture your own business logo printed on them.
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