06 Dec Hoard Marketing Syndrome
Hoard Marketing Syndrome
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines hoard as “a supply or fund stored up and often hidden away.” The show Hoarders has become increasing popular and the act of hoarding has become much more prevalent increasing awareness for the condition. I run across many small business owners who buy marketing items such as various promotional products and they actually hoard them. This condition in which business owners and marketing directors hoard their company promotional items is known as Hoard Marketing Syndrome (HMS) and this all too common ailment has serious complications for your business. Below the signs and symptoms, risk factors, complications, and treatment for Hoard Marketing Syndrome are listed. If you are experiencing any of the signs or symptoms below, I urge you to seek treatment immediately. We have expert HMS counselors standing by to help you overcome this grave business condition.
Signs & Symptoms:
- Desire to want to hang on to your promotional items for as long as possible and not give them away.
- Desire to only want to give out your marketing material to friends and family because these items are “too good” or “too cool” to give away to anyone else.
- Cluttered work area with boxes and boxes of new custom printed promotional products that haven’t been given away.
- The inability to give away promotional products due to the incorrect perception that they are costly and they need to be conserved for special occasions.
- Bosses who are tight with money.
- Companies who cut marketing budgets.
- Businesses who fail to understand the importance of marketing and branding.
- Company history of past struggling with sales and marketing due to little of no marketing.
- No marketing exposure to your potential clients.
- Lack of clients.
- Low sales volumes.
- Falling behind on bills for your business due to an unhealthy bottom line.
- Business failure.
- Target your intended audience and give away the promotional items to those potential clients.
- Give away the promotional items to past clients to generate repeat business.
- Give away promotional products on your Facebook page with contests.
- Give out promotional products to each new client or with each new sale.
- Give out your marketing items with each quote.
- Hold back 2 or 3 of your favorite items for later and give the rest away to potential clients.
- Make sure you track any leads that come back to you through these promotional giveaways.
- Have a strategy to give away your branded items, but be generous.
- Have a section of your marketing budget specifically for promotional products.
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