22 Nov Dumb Promotional Products
With over a million different promotional products in my database that we have access to distribute, we often come across some funny items and some that are just plain stupid. I recently came across one of those products that have a good concept but failed to think about it logically before producing.
Custom printed flip flops by themselves are great promotional giveaways, especially for outdoor or beach events. However, whoever thought of adding a bottle opener to the bottom of the sole obviously did not even think about the practicality of the location of the opener. What type of crap is on the bottom of your shoes. I know just from personal experience in my life, I have stepped in dog crap or someone’s giant wad of chewing gum that has been baking in the sun. Any of you who have ever walked in a men’s public restroom know that the wetness around the urinal is not leftover mop water. So after knowing what you step on through the course of a day, are you going to take off your shoe and expose the top of your beer bottle, where your mouth goes, to the filth on the bottom of your shoes? I think not. NOT a good design. Whoever invested in the idea is either kicking themselves or being kicked by a business partner. Maybe for their next design, they can just build in bottle openers on the urinals of restrooms at bars. This is just another prime example of why you should detail out your plan before acting. This little oversight should have been caught well before they were even close to production.
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