Mom of the Year?

We are all busy, over-scheduled,  and desperately trying to keep up with all the activities our kids have. My main problem is keeping up with all the “stuff” they have to have for each activity. Taekwondo- we need a uniform, belt, and something to keep everyone occupied during wait times. Ballet- we need leotard, tights, and 2 pairs of different shoes. Soccer- cleats, socks, drink. The list goes on and on. Instead of having to repack one bag each week, for each activity I now have a different bag for each. Each child also has a drawstring bag for the beach in which they carry their own hat, sunglasses, toys, etc. We ordered several personalized backpacks with our company logo on them so if they wear out we have more.

custom backpack is a great idea as a give away at trade shows, meetings, or anywhere that people might be gathering material. Custom backpacks come in a lightweight drawstring style, as well as rugged heavier bags suitable for sports or outdoor activities. They come in a wide range of color and sizes as well. Promote your business while also scoring bonus points for organization that could put you on track for Mother of the Year 2011.
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