02 May Time is not on my side

In my house there are 5 clocks in the kitchen area that I work very hard to keep at the same time, none too early, none too late.
Upstairs and in virtually every other room in the house there is a disturbing lack of clocks. If I’m upstairs I never really seem to know what time it is or how long I have before school, church, work etc. I strive to be punctual but it’s very hard when you have no idea what time it is. I find myself using the kitchen as base of operations simply because I will know what time it is when I’m standing there barking orders at everyone. “It’s 7:15, and nobody has their backpacks ready.” “We only have 5 minutes before bedtime.Move it people!” I have threatened to buy 20 clocks and put a few in every room so no one can ever again say they didn’t do something because they lost track of time. Maybe you are one of these people. Maybe you have employees like this. Maybe you can’t get the time off your cell phone because you dropped it in the toilet
accidentally….don’t laugh, it happens.
Solve your time problem as well as advertising your business with
promotional clocks or
promotional watches.
Promotional clocks come with everything from laser engraving to clocks that tell you the weather plus a variety of sizes. Rest assured your employees will be on time when you give the gift of a
promotional watch. You have plenty of options and price ranges to choose from so don’t waste any more time!
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