01 Aug Polycarbonate Bottle Mistake – Live and Learn!
I believe in drinking plenty of water to help ward off illness so I use several polycarbonate water bottles throughout a day at work. These promotional water bottles are great because they are odor-free, don’t taste like plastic, and they are BPA FREE. However, I learned something very interesting about these water bottles today. I finished off a bottle and left it in my car while I was at my office. You have to know that my office is in Shalimar Florida and the end of July is about the hottest time of the year. Temperatures in my car register around 109 degrees sometimes according to the in dash thermometer. When I left my office today, I found my polycarbonate water bottle about half it’s normal size. It had melted and shriveled up. So lesson learned…don’t leave your water bottles in a hot car. Below is the picture of the melted promotional water bottle that I placed beside an exact style for comparison of just how much this bottle shrank from the heat.

Polycarbonate water bottle
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