12 Feb Shocking Promotions
I wanted to talk about shocking promotions. What I mean is promotional marketing that causes a shock to people. With this type of marketing, you WILL offend a select few people; however, you will capture the attention of many others. The few offendees are not significant though compared to the amount of new business you can bring in.
I found this hilarious picture online from Versión subtitulada Blog which has a lot of shock value.
Although these are not promotional items, the same principle can be applied to promotional product marketing. Think of something that is related to your product that would have shock appeal. You don’t want to be too graphic though. The sky is the limit. Be creative. Be bold. Employ the help of a promotional products consultant to help with ideas. There is a plethora of promotional products available to help you be successful with a bold and creative marketing campaign. If you have used any type of shock marketing, I would love to hear what you have done. Please comment below and share your past experiences.
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